Imperfect : our special sale up to 40% off

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Find our objects at reduced prices, put aside for their small imperfections. Offer valid until 28 April while stocks last.

Sustainability Cross
Professionals Cross

Imperfect : our special sale up to 40% off

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Find our objects at reduced prices, put aside for their small imperfections. Offer valid until 28 April while stocks last.

COMET, coworking space, Paris

Comet Bercy is a unique place located in the east of Paris. This space has a total of nearly 5,000 m2 and brings together two complementary offers: Comet Meetings and Comet Workplaces. These aim to provide an innovative response to the challenges of flexibility that hybrid companies are now facing. Comet Meetings hosts day-long meetings and seminars, while Comet Workplace is a brand new offer of hybrid workstations that companies can use on demand, according to their real needs.

Photographer @Jared Chulski

NEW MODERN desk – eco–certified wood

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