Imperfect : our special sale up to 40% off

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Find our objects at reduced prices, put aside for their small imperfections. Offer valid until 28 April while stocks last.

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Professionals Cross

Imperfect : our special sale up to 40% off

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Find our objects at reduced prices, put aside for their small imperfections. Offer valid until 28 April while stocks last.

TV stands - TIPTOE

TV stands

The TV stands from the UNIT system are available in different heights and widths to fit your space perfectly.


The sleek and modern design of these unique pieces will add a elegant industrial touch to your living room or dining room.

Materials Materials
Number of seats Number of seats
Height Height
Width Width
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    Well-designed, well-made
    and built-to-last furniture

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    Quick delivery and easy
    returns all over Europe

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