Imperfect : our special sale up to 40% off

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Find our objects at reduced prices, put aside for their small imperfections. Offer valid until 28 April while stocks last.

Sustainability Cross
Professionals Cross

Imperfect : our special sale up to 40% off

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Find our objects at reduced prices, put aside for their small imperfections. Offer valid until 28 April while stocks last.

NOILLY PRAT, tasting room, Marseillan

The 19th century aperitif wine house NOILLY PRAT has modernised its premises in the south of France. The seminar room, in shades of green, has used its own table tops with the rosemary green TIPTOE 75cm high table legs. U-shaped, it allows to gather during tastings. We can also use this format for seminar rooms and meetings.

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