Imperfect : our special sale up to 40% off

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Find our objects at reduced prices, put aside for their small imperfections. Offer valid until 28 April while stocks last.

Sustainability Cross
Professionals Cross

Imperfect : our special sale up to 40% off

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Find our objects at reduced prices, put aside for their small imperfections. Offer valid until 28 April while stocks last.

LE BARN, hotel, Paris

For a few days, TIPTOE organised a shooting in the hotel LE BARN to photograph the new colours of our collection : rosemary green, eucalyptus grey, terracotta red and sunflower yellow.


From the bar to the small lounge, including the office and the bathroom, TIPTOE products are perfectly suited to this charming hotel located in the heart of the Rambouillet forest.

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