Imperfect : our special sale up to 40% off

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Find our objects at reduced prices, put aside for their small imperfections. Offer valid until 28 April while stocks last.

Sustainability Cross
Professionals Cross

Imperfect : our special sale up to 40% off

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Find our objects at reduced prices, put aside for their small imperfections. Offer valid until 28 April while stocks last.


TIPTOE unveils its new showroom

31 January 2024

TIPTOE unveils its new showroom

To celebrate Design Week, TIPTOE has unveiled its new Paris showroom, featuring new collaborations, products, and offices! An evening that brought together design enthusiasts for a time of exchange and sharing.

Thank you to our partners, clients, and friends for joining us!

Are you a professional looking to discuss your project or discover our products?

Schedule an appointment at the showroom


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